Monday, September 30, 2013


Whoops.  I may have made a bit of a mistake and forgotten that this blog even existed for almost three years.  My bad lol!  

So what is new? I have since graduated from the University of Central Florida with a bachelor's degree in Interdisciplinary Studies and minors in Sports Business Management and Legal Studies.  Currently I am in my second year pursuing a Higher Education master's degree with a concentration in Intercollegiate Athletics Administration.  I also work in the athletics department of a large, Division-I university.

So where will this take us? Who knows. But hopefully I will be a bit more regular as time goes by.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

One of those days.

Have you ever had one of those days...
You know the kind. You're tired and don't even want to get out of bed, but you know you have to.
You spend all day not wanting to do anything and then EVERYTHING gets thrown on your plate at once. When you mess it up you feel bad but honestly, it's just "one of those days".

I had one of those days today. Then when I got home from practice #2 it got a lot better. If you follow me on twitter you know why. Little Miss Can't Be Wrong from HIMYF reassured me that I'm not the only one who hopes people get married and have ugly kids. APPARENTLY IT'S NORMAL!!! Who knew??

xo kristen

Monday, January 3, 2011

Girlie Girl Originals

Have you heard of Girlie Girl Originals?

I got one of these shirts for Christmas and one as an early Christmas present (so I could wear it during the Christmas season). I am absolutely in LOVE!

They make all sorts of adorable shirts... NFL teams, NCAA teams, and SO many other things!

We found mine at a kiosk in a mall in Tennessee, but you can order from the Girlie Girl Originals website too! Let me know which your favorites are!

xo kFn

Saturday, January 1, 2011


It seems like it's becoming "New Year, New Blog". Trying this out again with more realistic expectations for myself and a much better idea of where I want this whole "blog thing" to go.

First post of 2011 is going to be a list of my resolutions! They're actually more similar to goals I have for different parts of my life in different parts of the year.
  1. Lose 5-10 pounds before my first race and get as close as possible to my ideal coxing weight until the end of the season.
  2. Make a 4.0 in at least one semester
  3. Attend all home football games (unless at an out of town regatta)
  4. Be done applying to ALL graduate schools by Dec 31
  5. Try to curse less

xxoo kFn